
Working with the beautiful Keira,  was the best thing ever! I learned so much and more then Keira even realizes. She helped me see curves and angles that enhance a woman. Poses that flatter, we worked together. But I also had a vision and I can defiantly say we worked so well together to accomplish that. I was so honored reading her posts, "This is the best boudoir photo I have ever taken , hands down." (Seriously I can't believe that!!!) Then she made me laugh and also so humbled when she said "Throw your money at @boudoirbynicolemichelle , all of the photos from this set are magic! I feel like this is just so classic looking. When she showed me on the camera I couldn't believe this was me!" As I am reading this I am thinking whattt!!! No way Keira is so confident and has had so many amazing photos done. But as we talked it made me feel so good I was able to accomplish the look I wanted and make an already experienced model feel amazing. A little secret when I look at these photos I see a story of accomplishment for myself, on top of confidence and beauty for Keira.

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